Scientific Program

The followings are tentative programs as of October 5, 2007.

Information for authors

oral presentation

The time allotted to the contributed papers is 15 minutes including 3-minute discussion.
For invited papers, 30 minutes including 5-minute discussion.
For plenary talks, 60 minutes including 10-minute discussion.
An LCD projector is available in each conference room.
Please note that overhead projectors, 35-mm slide projectors or any other equipment are NOT available.
For the use of the LCD projector, authors must provide their own laptop computer, power adaptor
(AC voltage in Japan is 100 V), and any appropriate cords. Ensure that your computer is turned on
and properly connected to the LCD projector no later than the break immediately before the scheduled presentation.
Authors should bring their presentation files stored in a CD-ROM or a USB thumb drive (flash memory).

poster presentation

Poster sessions will be held on Monday evening, Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon.
The poster boards are 153 cm in height and 90 cm wide. Pins will be available for mounting a poster on the board.
Authors are required to stand at their posters during the sessions assigned to presentation of the posters.

šMonday, 18:00-20:00
(Put up posters before 16:00 on Monday, and remove posters before 9:00 on Tuesday.)
šTuesday, 18:00-20:00
(Put up posters before 16:00 on Tuesday, and remove posters before 9:00 on Wednesday.)
šWednesday, 15:00-17:00
(Put up posters before 15:00 on Wednesday, and remove posters before 10:30 on Thursday.)

Further information