[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 1, No. 1 (1994) 91-93]

Controlling Chaos of a Delayed Optical Bistable System

Yun LIU1 and Junji OHTSUBO2

1Graduate School of Electronic Science and Technology, 2Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1, Johoku, Hamamatsu, 432 Japan

(Accepted August 21, 1994)

High-dimensional chaos was controlled with the occasional proportional feedback technique in a delayed optical bistable system which consists of a laser diode interferometer with a delayed opto-electronic feedback loop. Both the experiment and the numerical simulation showed that a large number of periodic orbits can be stabilized by controlling the chaotic attractor. The transient state of the trajectory under control was demonstrated.

Key words : chaos, chaos control, laser diode interferometer, delay-differential model, optical bistable system