[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 1, No. 2 (1994) 230-232]

Phase-Conjugate Imaging Properties in High-Efficiency KNSBN:Cu Double Phase-Conjugate Mirror

Xin GAO, Akira SASAKI, Yujin ZHENG, Hisayuki AOYAMA and Jisuke FUKAYA

Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, Johoku, Hamamatsu, 432 Japan

(Accepted October 6, 1994)

In this study, we investigate the performance of a high-efficiency KNSBN:Cu double phase-conjugate mirror (DPCM). A phase-conjugate transmissivity as high as 58% and a phase-conjugate reflectivity as high as fivefold are observed. Experimental results also show that the DPCM has a good fidelity of phase-conjugate image. Also, amplified phase-conjugate images are observed.

Key words : double phase-conjugate mirror, KNSBN:Cu crystal, phase-conjugate image, image fidelity, phase-conjugate transmissivity, phase-conjugate reflectivity