[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 2, No. 1 (1995) 68-71]

Observational Results of Stellar Speckle Interferometric Spectroscopy

Susumu KUWAMURA,1,3 Naoshi BABA,1 Noriaki MIURA1 and Yuji NORIMOTO2

1Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060 Japan, 2Okayama Astro-physical Observatory, NAO, Kamogata, 719-02 Japan, 3Present address : Opt. Eng. Lab., The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, 2-1, Hirosawa, Wako 351-01, Japan

(Accepted October 27, 1994)

Stellar speckle spectroscopy is a speckle interferometric method enabling us to separate point by point spectra on a stellar object with a diffraction-limited spatial resolution of a telescope. We describe observational results obtained with our system for speckle spectroscopy. Data of two binary stars, of which separations are closer than seeing disc, were taken and processed by cross-correlation method. In each object, spectral images of two component stars around the Hα line (656.3 nm) were spatially resolved with nearly diffraction-limited resolution. The separated spectra of ADS940 reveal different spectral types of the component stars. These results demonstrate the ability of the speckle spectroscopic method.

Key words : instrumentation, atmospheric turbulence, stellar speckle interferometry, speckle spectroscopy, astronomical optics, astronomy, spectrometer, cross correlation