[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 3, No. 5 (1996) 315-318]
Optical Computed Tomography Imaging of Absorbers in a Highly Scattering Medium by Detection of Photons Preserving Initial Polarization
Hiromichi HORINAKA,1 Koji HASHIMOTO,1 Kenji WADA,1 Tokuo UMEDA2 and Yoshio Cho3
1Department of Physics and Electronics, Osaka Prefecture University, Gakuen-cho 1-1, Sakai, Osaka, 593 Japan, 2Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health and Welfare, Gakuen-cho 1-1, Mihara, Hiroshima, 723 Japan, 3Oyokoden Lab Co., Ltd., Techno-Support Okayama No. 309, Haga, Okayama, 701-12 Japan
(Received May 14, 1996; Accepted July 30, 1996)
A method utilizing light polarization was applied to take the projection data of absorbers in a highly scattering medium. The floor level of the projection data due to diffused light was significantly suppressed by detection of photons which preserved initial polarization. An optical computed tomgraphy image was reconstructed from the projection data taken by this method and exhibited higher spatial resolution than the image reconstructed from the projection data by conventional method.
Key words : optical CT, reconstruction of CT image, depolarization of light, diffused light, phase modulation, biological tissue, scattering medium