[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 3, No. 5 (1996) 369-372]

Ultra-High Quality Cavity with 1.5 ppm Loss at 1064 nm

Akitoshi UEDA,1 Noboru UEHARA,1 Katumi UCHISAWA,1 Ken-ichi UEDA,1 Hisao SEKIGUCHI,2 Takayoshi MITAKE,2 Kenji NAKAMURA,2 Naoya KITAJIMA2 and Izumi KATAOKA2

1Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1, Choufugaoka, Choufu, Tokyo, 182 Japan, 2Central Research Laboratory, Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd., 3-1-1, Musashino, Akishima, Tokyo, 196 Japan

(Received May 7, 1996; Accepted July 22, 1996)

Characterization of an ultra-low loss and high finesse Fabry-Perot cavity at 1064 nm is reported. The characteristics are obtained from measurements of cavity decay time, frequency response and transmission efficiency. The results show that the mirrors have the loss of 1.5 ppm including absorption and scattering losses and the reflectance of 99.9873% which corresponds to a cavity finesse of 2.48X104.

Key words : Fabry-Perot cavity, mirror, finesse, scattering loss, absorption loss, reflectance, transmission efficiency