[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 3, No. 6B (1996) 501-504]

Effects of Spatial Coherence and Dispersive Diffraction on Spectral Changes

Hidenobu ARIMOTO and Yoshihiro OHTSUKA

Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060 Japan

(Received July 29, 1996; Accepted October 2, 1996)

This paper describes the peak shift in a Gaussian-like spectrum caused by the effects of spatial coherence and dispersive diffraction. The peak shift depends greatly on the ratio of the coherence area Ac produced by a primary incoherent source to the area πp2 of a circular aperture in the secondary source plane. The measured results are in reasonably good agreement with the numerical computational results. The peak shift is caused by a mixture of spatial coherence and dispersive diffraction in the region 0<Ac/πp2<1. In the coherent limit Ac/πp2→∞, dispersive diffraction is most dominant and results in the maximum peak shift, whereas in the incoherent limit Ac/πp2~0 no spectral change takes place.

Key words : peak shift in Gaussian-spectrum, spatial coherence, dispersive diffraction, coherence area