[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 4, No. 1B (1997) 185-187]
Coordinate-Transformed and Self-Reproducible Complex Amplitudes Inside Laser Cavities
Koshichi NEMOTO, Takashi FUJII and Naohiko GOTO
Komae Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 11-1, Iwado-Kita 2, Komae, Tokyo, 201
(Received August 22, 1996; Accepted November 7, 1996)
We showed theoretically that coordinate transformation is effective in laser cavities because self-reproducible and coordinate-transformed complex amplitude pairs can exist in a laser cavity. Therefore, the intensity profiles in laser cavities can be designed within the limitations of the compatibility conditions.
Key words : coordinate transformation, laser cavity, beam-forming, self-reproducible complex amplitude