[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 9, No. 2 (2002) 60-65]

Suppression of Multiple-Beam Interference Noise in Testingan Optical-Parallel Plate by Wavelength-Scanning Interferometry

Kenichi HIBINO* and Toshiyuki TAKATSUJI

National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, 1-2-1 Namiki, Tsukuba 305-8564, Japan

(Received July 27, 2001; Accepted November 13, 2001)

Measurements of optical parallel plates in a Fizeau interferometer lead to problems from multiple-beam interference noise unless the back surface of the plate has an additional treatment to prevent its reflection from reaching the detector. Such internal-reflection noise can be separated from the fundamental interference signal by its modulation frequency in a wavelength-scanning interferometer. However, to completely eliminate the noise, the air-gap distance between the testing and reference surfaces of the interferometer must be adjusted to a specific value, depending on the thickness and refractive index of the plate. This adjustment requires an undesirable change in the air gap, which is related to the phase modulation rate of the interferometer, and also requires additional information regarding the testing plate, which makes the measurement laborious. We show that if we add new symmetries to the sampling functions of the phase measuring algorithm, we can obtain significantly greater tolerance for the air-gap error. A new 19-sample algorithm allows a tolerance of ± 23% while keeping the systematic errors at less than λ/200. The periodicity of the new algorithm and an integrating bucket technique also provide more options for the thickness of the testing plate, which guarantees an air-gap distance more independent of this thickness.

Key words: phase measurement, Fizeau interferometer, wavelength scanning, internal reflection, phase-shifting algorithm, optical parallel
