[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 11, No. 1 (2004) 12-18]
© 2004 The Optical Society of Japan

Parallel Detection of Multiple Transitional Spectral Patterns Using Optical Spectrogram Scope

Kazunori TANIMURA, Tsuyoshi KONISHI, Yoshinori OSHITA, Wanji YU1 and Kazuyoshi ITOH

Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1, Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
1Osaka Science and Technology Center, 2-7-1, Ayumino, Izumi, Osaka 594-1157, Japan

(Received October 17, 2003; Accepted November 11, 2003)

In measurement of ultrafast phenomena caused by several photochemical reactions, multiple transitional spectral patterns contained in a signal pulse are directly associated with different interactions, allowing us to identify individual interactions from these patterns. We propose a new method by which we can detect multiple transitional spectral patterns contained in a signal pulse in parallel using optical spectrogram scope (OSS). In the experimental demonstration, we used an arrayed filter composed of matched filters recording three kinds of transitional spectral patterns in the OSS system, and we directly detected two different patterns contained in a signal pulse in parallel.

Key words: optical spectrogram scope, transitional spectrum, time-frequency analysis, time-of-flight cross correlation, spectral holography