[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 14, No. 2 (2007) 86-90]
© 2007 The Optical Society of Japan

Wavelength Tuning of Double-Cavity Micromachined Filter with Electrical and Thermal Actuations

Wiganes JANTO*, Akihiro MATSUTANI, and Fumio KOYAMA

Microsystem Research Center, Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan

(Received May 8, 2006; Accepted February 4, 2007)

We demonstrate double-cavity micromachined tunable filters with electrical actuations for both blue and red wavelength tuning. Electrical actuations for both shifts can be achieved by combining electrostatic and electro-thermal actuations below and above the breakdown voltage of p–n junctions in the micromachined cantilevers. The measured tuning range with the actuation is 8 nm for both tuning sides and the micromachined filter with a cantilever length of 80 μm exhibits a switching time of less than 115 μs for both turn-on and turn-off states. We also present the theoretical and measured temperature dependence of fabricated micromachined filters at various cantilever lengths, which experimentally gives us a temperature dependence of 0.14 nm/K for a cantilever length of 100 μm.

Key words: micromachined filter, double cavity, electrical actuation, electrostatics, thermal actuation, switching time

*E-mail address: wiganes33@ms.pi.titech.ac.jp