[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 15, No. 5 (2008) 219-223]
© 2008 The Optical Society of Japan

Quantum Anonymous Voting Systems Based on Entangled State

Yuan LI and Guihua ZENG

Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Laboratory of Coding and Communication Security, Shanghai 200240, China

(Received May 12, 2008; Accepted June 16, 2008)

Based on quantum entanglement, secure anonymous ballot systems are introduced to realize voting among numerous candidates in this paper. By searching individuals, each voter may cast a vote for his desired candidates of which number may be more than one. Therefore, the system based on the proposed algorithm may be applied voting among many candidates, such as a network ballot with the development of a quantum network. Finally, the security of the present scheme is investigated.

Key words: quantum voting system, multi-object ballot, quantum entangled states, quantum network, security and anonymity