[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 16, No. 3 (2009) 404-408]
© 2009 The Optical Society of Japan
Effects of Luminance and Size of Stimuli upon Binocular Color Fusion Limit
Xiaolin QIN*, Mamoru TAKAMATSU, and Yoshio NAKASHIMA
Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
(Received August 31, 2008; Accepted March 15, 2009)
We aimed to examine the effects of luminance and size of stimuli upon the binocular fusion limit. A three-dimensional display was used to present dichoptic stimuli to the left and right eye, respectively. The range of dominant wavelength was from 450 to 650 nm. We measured the binocular color fusion limits Δλd for each dominant wavelength λd quantitatively with different luminance. The results show that the binocular color fusion ceases when the color difference introduced between the left and right eyes exceeds a certain threshold value, and the color fusion limit becomes smaller with the increase of the luminance of stimuli. In experiment 2, we adjusted the visual size of stimuli from 2 to 10° and found that color fusion is more difficult to achieve at 10° than at 2°.
Key words: binocular rivalry, binocular color fusion, three-dimensional display
*E-mail address: qqinxl@gmail.com