[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 18, No. 4 (2011) 324-330]
© 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

New Concept of Failure of Thin Organic Films

Khaled HABIB*

Materials Science Laboratory, Department of Advanced Systems, KISR, P. O. Box 24885 Safat, 13109, Kuwait

(Received February 9, 2011; Accepted June 3, 2011)

A critical (steady state) value of the thermal expansion coefficients of different coatings was determined by a non-destructive technique (NDT) known as laser shearography. The behavior of organic coatings, i.e., ACE premium-grey enamel, a yellow acrylic lacquer, and a gold nail polish on a metallic alloy, i.e., a carbon steel, was investigated over a temperature range of 20–60 °C. The value of the thermal expansion coefficients of coatings was derived from the slope of the plot of the thermal deformation (strain) versus the applied temperature. The integrity of the coatings with respect to time was assessed by comparison the measured coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) to the critical (steady state) or asymptotic value of CTE. By shearography, measurement of coating properties could be performed independent of parameters such as UV exposure, humidity, presence of chemical species, and other parameters which may normally interfere with conventional methods of the assessing of the integrity of coatings. Therefore, one may measure CTE of coatings, regardless of the history of the coating, in order to assess the integrity of coatings. Also, the obtained shearography data were found to be in a reasonable trend with the data of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 3%NaCl solution.

Key words: shearography, optical interferometry, thermal expansion coefficient, in-plan displacement, high temperatures, carbon steel, organic coating, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

*E-mail address: khaledhabib@usa.net