[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 19, No. 4 (2012) 242-246]
© 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

All Optical Logic Gates Based on Cavity Solitons with Nonlinear Gain


Photonics Group, Research Institute for Applied Physics and Astronomy, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

(Received February 19, 2012; Accepted April 5, 2012)

In this work we present a scheme based on the complementary behavior of the two effective parameters in Cavity Soliton switching process by which it is possible to design logic gates, namely “OR” and “AND”. By considering two independent writing beams, it is shown that by properly adjusting the amplitude and duration of switching pulses, “AND” and “OR” logical operations can be carried out. Specifically, the output of the system, which is the on or off state of the Cavity Soliton, is determined according to the inputs of the system which depend on the type of desired operation. The simulations show that these processes take place in a time scale of less than a nanosecond. The cascadibility of these gates is also studied.

Key words: bistability, VCSEL, optical gain, cavity soliton

*E-mail address: r_kheradmand@tabrizu.ac.ir