[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 19, No. 5 (2012) 290-293]
© 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Instability of Traveling Waves in an Optical Waveguide

Yoshihiko MIZUSHIMA*

7136-50, Nakaze, Hamakita, Hamamatsu 434-0012, Japan

(Received August 23, 2011; Accepted July 23, 2012)

Instability of traveling IR waves within a waveguide structure is discussed. A practical model of a traveling wave amplifier of a solid state is proposed, utilizing an optical waveguide. The mechanism of instability is interpreted in terms of an interaction between a plasmon wave and a circuit one under a constraining boundary condition. Properties of the traveling amplification and related problems are discussed, with appropriately suggested semiconductor materials and device designs. The features of the amplifier are a simple structure, a low DC biasing power dissipation for room-temperature operation, unidirectionality, and a wide wavelength range from IR or submillimeter order, suited to various applications.

Key words: traveling wave, instability, amplifier, plasma, waveguide, optical, IR, Vlasov

*E-mail address: mizu@quartz.ocn.ne.jp