[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 20, No. 2 (2013) 127-131]
© 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Characterization and Compensation of Phase Distortions in Holograms for Generating and Detecting Doughnut Beams

Yoko MIYAMOTO1,2*, Koichi BITO2, Yusuke OZAKI2, Atsushi WADA3, and Mitsuo TAKEDA1,2

1Department of Engineering Science, The University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
2Department of Information and Communication Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
3Department of Communications Engineering, National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-8686, Japan

(Received August 16, 2012; Revised October 27, 2012; Accepted November 6, 2012)

Raster scan systems can introduce cubic and quadratic phase distortions in holograms for generating and detecting doughnut beams. The distortions can be corrected by subtracting corresponding terms from the hologram design. The compensation parameters can be determined by fabricating test holograms and applying rotational symmetry analysis to the intensity distribution of the generated beams. The 2- and 3-fold rotational symmetry components are shown to be effective in determining quadratic and cubic corrections respectively, and in the final corrected hologram the total contribution of anisotropic intensity components was reduced to 0.3%.

Key words: doughnut beam, optical orbital angular momentum, hologram, rotational symmetry, aberration

*E-mail address: yoko.miyamoto@uec.ac.jp