[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 20, No. 2 (2013) 198-201]
© 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Fluorescence Image Excited by a Scanning UV-LED Light

Hsin-Yi TSAI, Yi-Ju CHEN, and Kuo-Cheng HUANG*

Instrument Technology Research Center, National Applied Research Laboratories, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan

(Received July 31, 2012; Revised October 16, 2012; Accepted October 26, 2012)

An optical scanning system using UV-LED light to induced fluorescence technology can enhance a fluorescence image significantly in a short period. It has several advantages such as lower power consumption, no scattering effect in skins, and multilayer images can be obtained to analyze skin disease. From the experiment results, the light intensity increases with increase spot size and decrease scanning speed, but the image resolution is oppositely. Moreover, the system could be widely used in clinical diagnosis and photodynamic therapy for skin disease because even the irradiated time of fluorescence substance is short but it will provide accurately positioning of fluorescence object.

Key words: UV-LED, fluorescence image, optical scanning system

*E-mail address: huangkc@itrc.narl.org.tw