[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 20, No. 2 (2013) 241-247]
© 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Glucose Content Detection in Aqueous Solutions with Near-Infrared Polarization Spectrometry

Noriaki SAIGA* and Hiroki SHIBATA

Electronic Control Engineering, Yonago National College of Technology, Yonago, Tottori 683-8502, Japan

(Received September 24, 2012; Accepted December 3, 2012)

The absorbance using diffuse reflectance in the polarization spectroscopy was expressed using the empirical expressions that fitted the Monte Carlo simulation results. The absorbance spectra of glucose solutions indicated that the partition among H2O molecular species changed partly to the other ones depending on the glucose content. In saline water and phosphate-buffered saline water, there appears an action opposite to the transition in dissolution of glucose by the destruction of water species due to the presence of Na+ and Cl- ions. The sensitivity of glucose concentration in them was found to be higher in the cross-polarization than in the parallel one owing to the increased travelling distance caused by multiscattering.

Key words: polarization spectrometry, diffuse reflectance, glucose, absorbance, principal component analysis, diabetes

*E-mail address: saiga@tree.odn.ne.jp