[OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 21, No. 5 (2014) 500-504]
© 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Evolution of the Nth Stokes-Wave due to Stimulated Raman Scattering in Single-Mode Fibers

Rafael SANCHEZ-LARA1,2, Lelio de la CRUZ-MAY2, Grethell Georgina PEREZ-SANCHEZ1,3, Ricardo CUENCA-ALVAREZ1, and Jose Alfredo ALVAREZ-CHAVEZ1*

1Centro de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica — IPN, Cerrada CECATI s/n Col Sta. Catarina, C.P. 02250, D. F., Mexico
2Universidad Autonoma del Carmen, Facultad de Ingenieria, C. 56 No. 4, C.P. 24180, Cd. Del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
3Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Coacalco, Av. 16 de Septiembre 54, Cabecera Municipal, 55700 Coacalco de Berriozabal, Mexico

(Received February 16, 2014; Accepted May 25, 2014)

The evolution of the nth analytical solutions of commonly used Raman equations, analyzed by numerical simulation and experimentally, is reported. In the experiment, a 1 km undoped single-mode fiber was pumped with an ytterbium doped fiber laser system (FL) in continuous wave regime at 1064 nm in a free running configuration. We showed that it is possible to obtain up to the nth power thresholds and the maximum power for each Stokes wave by using compact analytical solutions as a first approximation in a simple, quick process.

Key words: Stokes waves, Raman, fiber amplifier, power threshold, optical fiber

*E-mail address: jose287@gmail.com