Paper Submission

>>>Paper Submission

(Login to CONFIT paper submission system)

Prospective authors are requested to submit an abstract of the original work. The abstract must be prepared as a PDF file and submitted ON-LINE from the above link.

>>>Abstract Template

Subumission Deadline "Extended": April 14, 2021
Acceptance Notification: Early May, 2021

The abstract must consist of one page of text and one page of figures. The abstract must include the title, the author's names, affiliation, full address, phone and FAX numbers, and e-mail address. Faxed copies of the abstract will not be accepted. Accepted abstracts will be reproduced in the workbook exactly as received. Some of the accepted papers will be presented in "Poster Sessions".

Please note that all the acccepted papers are pulsished in IEEE Xplore.

Questions may be addressed to tomioka[at] (K. Tomioka).