Root of this group is "Professional Group of Ternary and Multinary Compounds"
which was established in 1986 to investigate and study chalcopyrite
semiconductors for solar cells and light emitting devices. In 2004 the
Professional group of Ternary and Multinary Compounds had changed its name to
the "Professional Group of Functional Multinary Compounds" and in 2013 the
group was reorganized as "Professional Group of Multinary Compounds and Solar
After reorganization, the purposes of our group are to contribute the
improvement and development of technology and knowledge for the multinary
compounds and compound semiconductor solar cells, and to promote the contact
between members.
To achieve the purposes our group will contribute the development of compound
semiconductor thin film solar cells with a focus on CIGS and CZTS systems and
the high efficiency next generation solar cells such as new type solar cells
with III-V materials. And also, this group will continue the support of
diversity studies and researches for multinary compounds, and will challenge the
creation of the new functional materials and new function composite by the
unified understanding of the multinary compounds involved solar cell materials.
(C) Copyright 1999, by Professional Group of Multinary Compounds and Solar