Invitation to the Group
- Admission will be accepted at any time of the year by paying annual due of
¥3,000(JPY). Details are shown in
"How to Admission"
- Member's benefit: Information service of symposium plan of this group at
Japan Society of Applied Physics, and annual workshop plan (usually once
a year). Distribution PDF files of collected summary and outlines of
presentations at the workshop (members can get PASS WORD to access to the
PDF files). Most of texts of the PDF files are written in Japanese. (From
the year, 1998, title, summary and figure captions of each presentation
will be written in English.)
- Prof. Nozomu Tsuboi
Adress: Niigata University, 8050 Ikarashi 2-no-cho, Nishi-ku, Niigata,
950-2181, JAPAN
Phone: +81-25-262-7261