Official regulations
Article 1: Name of this society will be 有機ナノ界面制御素子研究会 (Japanese) and The Society of Organic Nano-Interface Controlled Electronic Devices, NICE Devices (English).
Article 2: This society is intended to make the knowledge, information and opinion exchange along with the announcement of the research results, achievements as well as theories and their applications pertaining to the organic molecular device engineering. This is expected to proliferate the development of research activities in the area of organic nano-interface control devices.
Article 3: It can be obtained by submitting the “membership application form” to the chairman after the approval of the Executive Committee.
(Executive members)
Article 4: Society will be constituted of following staffs in order to organize executive committee for administering the various society affairs. Members will be elected by mutual election with term of office for two years, however, re-appointment will be remain unchanged.
Chairman (1); Vice Chairman (1); Secretory (1) Auditors (2)
(Membership Fee)
Article 5: Members are needed to pay an annual membership fee of 3,000円 in order to manage the society activities.
Article 6: Society will organize the following events in order to achieve the goal mentioned in the article 1.
1. Implementation of surveys and research
2. Organizing research presentations, lectures and Tutorials
3. Issuing Magazines or Periodicals
4. Cooperation and collaboration with domestic and international academic organizations
5. Activities necessary to achieve the other objectives
Article 7: 1. Expenses to execute the activities of this society will be managed by subsidy of Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP hereafter), membership fee and from other possible sources.
2. Accounting of this society are included in the accounting of JSAP and properties of the society belongs to the JSAP.
3. Accounting will be done at year end by creating the financial statements and its approval from the society members.
(Planning and Reporting of Society Activities)
Article 8: Activity planning, budget, activity report and financial statements of this society will be reported to the JSAP Board of Directors.
(Continuation and Dissolution)
Article 9: 1. This society can be continued after application by June end of 3rd year or 3rd year after extension to board of directors of JSAP and their approval.
2. In the case of dissolution of this society also application to board of directors of JSAP is needed.
Article 10: This regulations can be re-organized or altered by the favour of more than half of the members followed by the approval from the executive council of JSAP.
Article 11: New regulations can be made and added based on available related evidences after the approval from the in-charge of executive council of the JSAP. In the case of alteration of abolishment of the regulations similar approval is necessary.
Article 12: In the case of problems not mentioned in the regulation, Secretory will make a proposal and ask for the opinion of the members.
Regulations are
Effective from July 9th, 2002.
In Effect from January 1st, 2007.
Revised on March 1st, 2007.
Revised on August 31st, 2012.
Effective from August 31st, 2012.
Approval of revision by executive council of JSAP on September 30th, 2014.