Last modified: Oct 20, 2024
The organizing committee welcomes researchers and students with interests in the science and technology of semiconducting silicides and related materials to the 7th APAC-SILICIDE 2025 which will be held in Sendai as a “face-to-face” conference in 2025.
The first “APAC-Silicide” was held in Kyoto in 2006. The proceedings containing Advanced Silicide Science and Technology of Optoelectronics, Photonics, Spintronics and Energy Research for the next Generation were published in a special issue of Thin Solid Films 515 (2007) . After this conference, APAC Silicide 2010 , and APAC Silicide 2013 were held in Tsukuba, and their proceedings were published as a special issue of Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) , and Phys. Status Solidi C 10 (2013) , respectively. Then, the international conference and summer school on advanced silicide technology (ICSS-Silicide 2014) was held in Tokyo in 2014, and their proceedings were published as JJAP special issues Vol.54 No.7S2 (2015) and JJAP Conf. Proceedings Vol.3 (2015) . Then, the 4th APAC-Silicide 2016 and the 5th APAC-Silicide 2019 were held in Fukuoka in 2016 and in Miyazaki in 2019. Their proceedings were published as JJAP special issues Vol.56 No.5S1 (2017) and Vol.59 No.SF (2020) , and JJAP Conf. Proceedings Vol.5 (2017) and Vol.8 (2020) .
Due to the Corona pandemic, the 6th APAC-SILICIDE 2022 was held as an online conference in 2022. The proceedings were published as JJAP special issue Vol.62, No.SD (2023) and JJAP Conf. Proceedings Vol.10, (2023) .
After these meetings, Silicide Green Technology, such as the applications to thermoelectric devices and solar cells has made tremendous progress as well as a further understanding of the fundamental physics of the silicides.
The aim of APAC Silicide 2025 is strongly related to those of previous international conferences on Green Technology with silicides and related materials. We believe that this expert conference is a timely venue for face-to-face discussion of the most advanced results to stimulate an international connection between the semiconducting silicide research and the development of sustainable semiconductor technologies.
Technical Areas
This conference will cover the following technical areas:
1. Silicide green technology: Energy conversion devices, thermoelectrics, solar cells, batteries, ecologically friendly processes
2. Electronic and photonic applications: optoelectronics, photonics, photonic crystals, spintronics, etc.
3. Novel materials syntheses using state-of-the-art techniques (high-pressure, hydrothermal, and thin-film methods, etc.)
4. Advanced experimental and theoretical studies of crystal structures, electronic states, and optical, electrical, electronic, and magnetic properties
5. Characterization and development of materials based on computational science and materials Informatics
6. Synthesis, characterization, and applications of 2D materials
7. Development of multifunctional materials