20th Anniversary
- 20th anneversary DVD including past SNW proceedings (1997-2013: odd years) will be provided.
- 20th Anniversary Pannel Session will
be held on June 15.
General Information
The 2015 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW) will be held at Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto, Japan on June 14-15, 2015 just prior to VLSI Symposium on Technology as a Satellite Workshop of the VLSI Symposia.
The workshop will focus on silicon-related nanoelectronics to bridge a gap between the Si nano-technology and the VLSI world. The first Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop was successfully held in June, 1996 at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. The 2015 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop will be the 20th in a series of annual workshops.