Dr. Naoto Umezawa: NIMS, Japan
"Electronic and defect properties of semiconducting barium disilicide"
Dr. Olindo Isabella: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
"Recent advancements in the development and characterization of BaSi2 for photovoltaic applications"
Prof. Yi-Chia Chou : National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan
“Silicide and germanide formation in nanowires”
Prof. Nikolay Galkin : Russian Academy of Science, Russia
"Semitransparent and conductive CaSi2 films for silicon device applications"
Prof. Dimitri Migas : Belarusian State University of Info. & Radioelec., Belarus
"Possible 2D-like silicides: structure and electronic properties"
Prof. Yuzuru Miyazaki : Tohoku University, Japan
"Recent Progress in Silicide Thermoelectric Materials"
Prof. Ken Kurosaki : Osaka University, Japan
"Potential of nanostructured silicon for thermoelectrics"
Prof. Mona Zebarjadi : University of Virginia, USA
"Thermoelectric transport at organic-silicon interface"
Dr. Gabi Schierning : Leibniz-Institute IFW Dresden, Germany
“Thermoelectric properties of nanocrystalline silicon using recycled silicon sawing waste”