
Kyushu Chapter, The Japan Society of Applied Physics


共 催 九州大学大学院 システム情報科学研究院 電気システム工学部門
応用物理学会 九州支部
開催日時 平成25年3月14日(木) 13時30分〜16時20分
場 所 九州大学大学院 システム情報科学研究院 第7講義室(ウエスト2号館3階327号室)
〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744 (九州大学 伊都キャンパス内)
講 師 Venkat Selvamanickam 教授(Houston大学、米国)
演 題 Advanced Materials Development for Energy Applications
概 要 Selvamanickam教授のグループは、可塑性のある多結晶金属基板上に高度に配向した薄膜を形成するイオンビームアシスト成膜(IBAD: Ion Beam Assisted Deposition)法を用いた技術をもとに、特に高温超伝導薄膜線材の開発において先導的成果を挙げているグループとして、世界的に知られています。本講義では、エネルギー応用に関する以下の三つの分野における先進材料開発について、初学者にも分かり易く講義を行って頂きます。(1) 酸化物高温超伝導テープ線材の開発、(2) 酸化物熱電材料の開発、(3) IBAD法を用いた高効率太陽電池の開発。尚、講義はすべて英語で行われます。

Development of alternate, efficient and environmentally benign technologies for energy generation, conversion, transmission, storage and use is an intense area of research. At the University of Houston, several advanced materials such as superconductors, photovoltaics and thermoelectrics are being developed for energy applications. Superconducting tapes provide benefits of resistanceless transmission of electricity, ultra-high power densities, and rapid response to power surges in the electric grid. The challenge has been in developing these brittle ceramic materials in lengths of over a kilometer on flexible substrates with properties similar to that of high quality epitaxial thin films. Novel materials processing has been developed to fabricate superconducting tapes with excellent critical current performance by manipulation of grain orientations and nanoscale defects. Some of these novel approaches are being translated to photovoltaic materials with a goal of achieving high efficiencies that have been possible only on very expensive single crystalline substrates. III-V compound semiconductors on inexpensive, polycrystalline metal substrates are being investigated. Bulk materials are also being developed for thermoelectric applications for efficient power generation from waste heat. In this case, our objective is to achieve grain oriented oxide thermoelectrics with nanoscale defects so as to attain high figure of merit through combination of high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity. An overview of recent progress in advanced materials development for energy applications will be provided in this presentation.
世話人 木須 隆暢
九州大学大学院 システム情報科学研究院
Phone: 092-802-3686, Fax: 092-802-3677
E-mail: kiss@sc.kyushu-u.ac.jp


支部長 : 原 一広(九州大学)

庶務幹事: 林 健司(九州大学)

