
Kyushu Chapter, The Japan Society of Applied Physics


主 催 応用物理学会 九州支部
開催日時 平成27年2月2日(月)13:20-14:20
場 所 九州大学伊都キャンパス システム情報科学府W2-302講義室
講 師 Hyung-Seop Shin教授(Andong National University、韓国)
演 題 Recent Progress in Electromechanical Property Evaluation in REBCO CC tapes for Electric Device Applications at ANU
概 要 講演者である、韓国安東大学の申教授等のグループは、超伝導線材の機械歪み特性の研究で世界的にも著名な成果を挙げている。本講演では、近年特性向上が著しい第二世代の希土類系高温超伝導線材の電気機器への応用を目指して、電磁気的特性、空間均一性、機械特性など、実用上重要となる線材の諸特性の評価技術に関して、安東大学における最近の取り組みについて紹介して頂く。
2G REBCO coated conductor (CC) tapes have already been commercialized but still possess some issues in terms of manufacturing cost, anisotropic in-field performance, Ic response to mechanical loads such as delamination, homogeneity of current transport property, and production length. Development on improving its performance properties to meet the needs in practical device applications is underway and simplification of the tape’s architecture and manufacturing process are also being considered to enhance the performance-cost ratio. 2G HTS REBCO CC tapes provide a much wider range of operating temperature and a higher critical current density at 4.2 K making it more attractive in magnet and coil applications. The superior properties of the REBCO CC tapes under magnetic field have led to the development of superconducting magnets capable of producing field way above 23.5 T. In order to achieve its optimum performance, the electromechanical properties under different deformation modes and magnetic field should be evaluated for practical device design. This time, I would like to report on the recent progress of the electromechanical property evaluation in 2G HTS CC tapes due to uniaxial tension, bending deformation, transverse load, and including the electrical performance of a CC tape joint which were performed by our group at ANU.
Keywords: Coated conductors, electromechanical property, delamination, CC joint
参加費 無料
世話人 木須 隆暢
九州大学大学院 システム情報科学研究院
Phone : 092-802-3686, Fax : 092-802-3677
E-mail: kiss@sc.kyushu-u.ac.jp


支部長 : 原 一広(九州大学)

庶務幹事: 林 健司(九州大学)

