Monthly Archives: 11月 2022



共催: 応用物理学会・薄膜表面物理分科会、(公財)若狭湾エネルギー研究センター

協賛: 日本表面真空学会、日本物理学会






若狭湾エネルギー研究センター 第一・第二会議室





Invited: 30 min. talk and 10 min. discussion
Oral: 15 min. talk and 5 min. discussion

Friday, December 2, 13:00−17:50

13:00-13:05 Opening remarks SUZUKI Kohtaku (The Wakawa Wan Energy Research Center)
Session 1   Chair: TSUCHIYA Bun (Meijo University)
13:05-13:45 Invited 1(Online) MATHAYAN Vairavel
Uppsala University
  In-operando profiling of light elements in energy materials using coincidence techniques
13:45-14:05Oral 1MORITA Kenji
Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute
  Analysis of Change in Li Depth Profiles of Au/Ge/LATP/LMO/Au Battery by Means of ERD and RBS Techniques with 9 MeV O+4 Ions
14:05-14:25 Oral 2 KODERA Taku
Meijo University
  Hydrogen and Lithium Measurements in Near Surface of Water-soaked LATP Solid Electrolytes Using Elastic Recoil Detection Techniques
14:25-14:40 Break
Session 2   Chair: SEKI Toshio (Kyoto University)
14:40-15:00 Oral 3 TSUCHIYA Bun
Meijo University
  In-situ Hydrogen Distribution Analysis in LiCoO2 by Water Uptake at Room Temperature Using Elastic Recoil Detection in Air Atmosphere
15:00−15:20 Oral 4 DAS Sudhansu Sekhar
The University of Tokyo
  Hydrogen depth profile in Platinum film using the 1H(15N,αγ)12C nuclear reaction analysis
15:20−15:40 Oral 5 HASEGAWA Chika
Kyoto Prefectural University
  Development of TOF-ERDA system and application to ASSLB measurements
15:40−15:55 Break
Session 3   Chair: KINOMURA Atsushi (Kyoto University)
15:55-16:15 Oral 6 SUZUKI Taku
National Institute for Materials Science
  Spatial distribution analysis of oxygen vacancies injected into a rutile TiO2 single crystal at the electrode interface using SIMS and LEIS
16:15-16:35 Oral 7 HIROE Masatoshi
Kyoto University
  Nanovoid evolution in hydrogen-implanted and annealed Si probed by slow positron beams
16:35-16:55 Oral 8 WATANABE Hideo
Kyusyu University
  Hydrogen pickup of ion irradiated Zry-2
16:55-17:15 Oral 9 MORIBAYASHI Kengo
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST)
  Effect of the thermalization of secondary electrons on plasma formation during the irradiation of heavy ions
17:15-17:25 Break
Session for Sponsors Chair: YASUDA Keisuke (Kyoto Prefectural University)
17:25-17:50 Presentation 1 KYOKUTO BOEKI KAISYA, Ltd.
Presentation 2 ADCAP Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd.
Presentation 3 TechnoAP Co., Ltd.
Presentation 4 Pulsed Power Japan Laboratory Ltd.

Saturday, December 3, 9:00−13:00

Session 4   Chair: ISHIKAWA Norito (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
9:00-9:40 Invited 2(Online) LANG Maik
University of Tennessee
  Characterization of Radiation Effects in Ceramics with Spallation Neutron Probes
9:40−10:20Invited 3IWASE Akihiro
The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center
  Surface modifications of lattice structures and physical properties of inorganic materials induced by energetic ion beam irradiation
10:20−10:35 Break
Session 5   Chair: TSUCHIDA Hidetsugu (Kyoto University)
10:35−10:55 Oral 10 ISHIKAWA Norito
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
  Nanostructure of Ceramics Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions: TEM Study
10:55−11:15 Oral 11 TOMITA Shigeo
Tsukuba University
  Projectile dependence on the convoy electron yield of fast molecular ions
11:15−11:35 Oral 12 MAJIMA Takuya
Kyoto University
  Anion–Molecule Reactions Induced by MeV-energy heavy ions on the Methanol Droplet Surface
11:35−11:55 Oral 13 UNO Naruki
Kyoto University
  Energy distribution of secondary electrons from single and multiple layer graphene bombarded by MeV Si cluster ions
11:55−12:00 Closing remarks SUZUKI Kohtaku
(The Wakawa Wan Energy Research Center)
12:00 Closing
12:00-13:00 Tour for Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center


・ Prof. Maik Lang, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee (USA)

「Characterization of Radiation Effects in Ceramics with Spallation Neutron Probes」
そのほか、Dr. Vairavel Mathayan, Applied Nuclear Physics Division, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University (Sweden) 他を予定しています。


・応用物理学会 薄膜・表面物理分科会会員 1000円
 (日本表面真空学会、日本物理学会、応用物理学会) 2000円
・一般 3000円
・学生 無料
・招待講演者 無料

講演申込み締め切り: 10月28日(金)







〒912-0192 福井県敦賀市長谷64-52-1
(公財)若狭湾エネルギー研究センター 研究開発部 鈴木耕拓
E-mail:、Tel: 0770-24-2300(代表)
