編集: 応用物理学会(フォトニクス分科会)
ISSN: 2189-6496
創刊: 2015年
Latest Issue
Photonics News No.10 Vol.1
Special issue Advances in optical imaging leading the way in visualization and quantification
- 【Foreword】On the special issue “Advances in optical imaging leading the way in visualization and quantification” Yasuhiro Awatsuji
- Complex amplitude imaging using optical scanning holography Naru Yoneda
- Snapshot full Stokes camera and its applications Yukitoshi Otani, Nathan Hagen
- Visualization of magnetic field distribution using optically pumped magnetometer -Studies toward magnetic particle imaging- Shuji Taue, Yuta Takizawa, Teruyoshi Sasayama
- Digital holography using functionally integrated waveguide illuminator Eriko Watanabe, Kenta Hayashi, Ayaka Tabuchi, Katsunari Okamoto, Mitsuo Takeda
- Single pixel imaging with deep learning Yasuhiro Mizutani, Shoma Kataoka, Tsutomu Uenohara, Yasuhiro Takaya
- Development of a trans-scale optical imaging method and its biological significance Taro Ichimura, Taishi Kakizuka, Yuki Sato, Kazuki Horikawa, Takeharu Nagai
- Biomedical deep imaging based on photoacoustic effects Yoshihisa Yamaoka
Photonics Encouragement Award Researches
- Entire bandwidth mid-infrared hyperspectral imaging Yue Zhao, Shota Kusama, Yuji Furutani, Wei-Hong Huang, Chih-Wei Luo, Takao Fuji
- Linear optical quantum computation with frequency-comb qubits and passive devices Tomohiro Yamazaki, Tomoaki Arizono, Toshiki Kobayashi, Rikizo Ikuta, Takashi Yamamoto
Introducing new secretaries of the Photonics Division
- Greeting from a new committee member Kenji Tsujino
- Greeting Nobuaki Terakado
- Greeting from a new committee member Shun Fujii
- Greeting Kazumichi Yoshii
- Toward the development of photonics discipline Keisuke Kondo
- Greeting from a new committee member Toshihiro Somekawa
- Greeting from a new committee member Yusuke Ito
- Greeting Nobuyuki Matsuda
- Greeting from a new committee member Mitsuhiro Honda
- Greeting from a new committee member Kenichi Hitachi
- Connecting diverse fields through photonics Masaya Nagai
- Greeting Chiemi Fujikawai
- Contributions to the photonics field Mariko Egawa
- Greeting from a new committee member Ryota Katsumi
- Greetings from the new committee member Yukie Yokota
- Towards the advancement of laser photonics Shotaro Kitaijma