Photonics News No.9 Vol.1
Special Issue on Topology opens up new possibilities in photonics
- 【Foreword】New frontiers in photonics spin by topology Satoshi Iwamoto
- Topological lightwaves at terahertz region Katsuhiko Miyamoto, Takashige Omatsu
- Characteristics of vector beam and its applications Yuichi Kozawa, Yuuki Uesugi, Shunichi Sato
- Influence of atmospheric turbulence and adaptive compensation on free-space optical communication using optical vortex Hiroki Kishikawa
- Technology using optical vortex towards exploration of exoplanets Naoshi Murakami, Mizuki Asano, Kenta Yoneta, Jun Nishikawa
- Topological photonics and singular points Masaya Notomi, Taiki Yoda, Yuto Moritake, Kenta Takata
- Interaction between optical vortex and matter studied through plasmonic excitation Tomoki Hiraoka, Takashi Arikawa, Koichiro Tanaka
- Topological edge state of light Tomohiro Amemiya, Sho Okada, Hibiki Kagami, Nobuhiko Nishiyama, Xiao Hu
- High efficiency of quantum dot solar cells by interface engineering and photogenerated carrier control Qing Shen, Chao Ding
- Distributed sensing using plastic optical fibers Yosuke Mizuno
Photonics Encouragement Award Researches
- Realization and application of ultrasensitive absorption spectroscopy using entangled photon pairs Korenobu Matsuzaki
Non-redundant optical phased array for ultra-high-resolution beam steering
Taichiro Fukui, Ryota Tanomura, Kento Komatsu, Daiji Yamashita,
Shun Takahashi, Yoshiaki Nakano, Takuo Tanemura
Introducing new secretaries of the Photonics Division
- In taking office as Photonics Division chief secretary Ikufumi Katayama
- Photonics and co-creation Masashi Miyata
- Stimulated by photonics Takumi Sannomiya
- Greeting from a new committee member Satoshi Ishii
- Greeting from a new committee member Shuichi Makita
- Greeting from a new committee member Takayuki Umakoshi
- Greeting Mizuki Mohara
- Towards further interdisciplinary research in photonics Taka-aki Yano
- Toward the development of photonics fields Shota Ishimura
- Connecting photonics and AI Guangwei Cong
- Eye of the Photonics Division Yusuke Ogura
- Towards a bridge between photonics, plasmonics, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering Tamitake Itoh
- Further development of photonics technologies Yong-Gu Shim
- The future that we create by photonics Tomoko Hyodo
- Keep moving toward your dreams Takashi Arikawa