19th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds
September 1-5, 2014  |  Niigata, JAPAN

Instruction for abstract preparation

This page provides instructions for preparing an abstract for ICTMC19. Authors should prepare abstract according to the guidelines given below. Sample file (PDF and MS-Word) can be downloaded at the end of the guideline.

Paper and length of abstract

Title and author information

Text body


Download sample file:  PDF  MS-word

We accept PDF format only. The size of PDF file should be less than 1MB. It is highly recommended that the quality of PDF is optimized when the abstract contains images and figures. The abstract book is printed using the PDF file, if accepted for the conference. The abstract must be submitted via web site. Details of the submission procedure can be found at submission page. No e-mail, FD, CD nor hardcopy is accepted, except when the Conference Secretariat requests it under certain special circumstances. Deadline of the abstract submission is May 7, 2014. Acceptance notices will be mailed in early June to the corresponding author after reviewing.

Looking forward to seeing you in Niigata.