Instruction for abstract preparation
This page provides instructions for preparing an abstract for ICTMC19. Authors
should prepare abstract according to the guidelines given below. Sample file
(PDF and MS-Word) can be downloaded at the end of the guideline.
Paper and length of abstract
- The abstract is limited in one page of A4 paper (210 mm x 297mm) including tables, figures and references, if necessary. The text composition area (including title and references) should not exceed 160 mm wide and 247 mm high. A suggested page setup for A4 paper is 2.5 cm for the left, right, top and bottom margins.
Title and author information
- At the top of the page, type the title in 14-point Times New Roman font bold.
- Leave one blank line between the title and the name(s) of the author(s).
- Each author's name is to be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font bold.
- For multiple authors from different affiliations, identify each author with a superscript number placed after the author's family name. Underline the corresponding author.
- Leave one blank line between the author(s) and the affiliation(s) associated with the each author. The superscript number typed at the end of each author's name should correspond to the superscript number typed at the beginning of the affiliations. Provide the e-mail address of corresponding author. This block is to be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.
- The title, author, affiliation and e-mail lines are to be centered.
Text body
- Leave one blank line after the affiliation block, then begin text body using 12-point Times New Roman font (and Symbol or similar fonts, if necessary) and single spacing.
- Indicate references (if present), using sequential numbers enclosed in square brackets, e.g. [1]. List the references at the end of the text. The suggested style is:
- [1] A. B. Auth1, C. D. Auth2 and E. F. Auth3, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 123 (2014).
Download sample file: PDF MS-word
We accept PDF format only. The size of PDF file should be
less than 1MB. It is highly recommended that the quality of PDF is
optimized when the abstract contains images and figures. The abstract book is
printed using the PDF file, if accepted for the conference. The abstract must be
submitted via
web site. Details of
the submission procedure can be found at submission page. No e-mail, FD, CD nor
hardcopy is accepted, except when the Conference Secretariat requests it under
certain special circumstances. Acceptance notices will be mailed to the
corresponding author after reviewing.
Looking forward to seeing you in Niigata.
Looking forward to seeing you in Niigata.